Monday, April 3, 2006

The Young Community

Due to the complex nature of occupational therapy, we can always argue that we are all engage in OT activities in one way or another. But the real issue in my opinion is not so much whether we are practicing OT or not, but rather how good we are at it.

The same can be said about communities of practice. Communities of practice are everywhere. They are in school and universities, in work and at home, in hospital and so on. Again the issue is not whether we belong to CoP or not, but on whether we are aware of their importance and the benefits they bring to the organisation.

CoP are about people. They normally develop around thing that matter to them. It is the realization of the importance of what they are doing that distinguishes one community from the others. In the case of the BEST CoP,it is a CoP for MOTA. We hope, it will translate into an organisational asset that can help shape the future of the profession as a whole. It belongs to all members. We request for crediantial mainly for organisational purposes. Best CoP is designed with differences. We already have huge portal to discuss openly around most subjects to cater for the current requirements.

Best CoP is going to be knowledge based driven activities. We improve and deepen our knowledge and expertise in OT by interacting on an ongoing basis.CoP is the best way to share knowledge and allowed the better transfer of tacit knowlwdge.
We have many experts within our community. Many types, latent experts, up and coming experts, expert syndrome and many more. What benefit that profession gain by having these people around ? Not very much I reckon if they are all venture individually. If we continue this trend the profession will suffer. We will be passing the struggle from generation to generation. This is what happening now. There is no different of struggle made by previous people compare to what we are facing now. I perceive the struggle will continue and continue till no end. CoP, the return what we invest is not immediate. It creates value for its individual members in many ways.....

I do hope more OTs coming forward to support. Let's do brilliant rock-busting. Start to re program our nervous system, reprogramming the way we think by changing our choice of words. We will get immediate noticeable different result.

Let's do while still have time.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

The Young Thinker

MOTA would like to thank all moderators and contributors of the OT-MALAYSIA.ORG forum for their contribution. These activities certainly make our profession known and moves extra miles ahead. Please continue to pump in more materials and encourage participants from people around us.

In addition to this successful FORUM activities, MOTA has introduced another forum called "MOTA Thinker Group" . The objective of this forum is to gain input and act an avenue for exchange of explicit and tacit knowledge among OTs. Apart from that, it is indeed a recognition for the members to be in this group. MOTA hopes that this recognition will take members extra miles in persuing personal & profesion development.

This forum exclusively for OTs who like to share their knowledge, skill and practice toward the FUTURE development of the profesion. This is closed group, you have to be the member of ELITE GROUP in order to join this forum. Email your CV to MOTA for selection.

Let's start doing thing differently while still have time.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Young Milestone

Today, 24 Mar 2006 is a significant day as MOTA organised an important meeting between AOS-MOTA with the presence of WFOT VP Finance.

Meeting was held at KL International with online conference with WFOT headquarter in Australia.

A long standing issue on KLWFOT relocation from Kuala Lumpur Australia was finally resolved.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Young Figures

This has received 58644 pages views since 22.10.2005, 539 today, and 726 yesterday.The day on which there was the most traffic so far was Sunday, March12, 2006 (1357 page views), while Thursday, October 20, 2005 (24 page views) was the day with the fewest hits.
Most people visit on Wednesday, with a total of 11025 page views,while Sunday is the day with the fewest visits, with a total of views. On average, the busiest hour (with 4642 page views) starts at 8 :00, The hour during which traffic has been lightest starts at 6 :00, (with only 1024 page views).
Satu pencapaian yang patut dibanggakan tetapi sekadar ... yang menyumbang adalah sangat diharapkan.

Sunday, January 1, 2006

The Young Year 2006

Dear my fellow Collegues,

Thank you for being passionate to OT profession. All may realize 'goodbye 2005 and welcome 2006' is actually a gaining year of age for our profession. We have only 15 years to plan and execute strategies before the government declare Malaysia as one of the developed nation in year 2020. Within these remaining years, we must strive together to consolidate the profession towards more reputable.

We have ample opportunity to raised service delivery. We need to boost productivity by redesigning ourselves. We need to dispel inertia and complacency to rejuvenate Occupational Therapists. We need to face real challenges and redesign new ways for effectiveness! First, we need to strengthen our Top Team - who are they?

We need all HODs to work together to turn the government Mission of Health into a set of operational objectives and make it more efficient. Sharing knowledge is a key point!
Second, the profession needs to improve the provision of services. In this area, Standard of Practice (SOP) has to be aligned with the current points of service delivery.

Third, new skills have to be built, to help current OTs to learn new ones. We need continuous improvement to reduced wasted time and materials during provision of Occupational Therapy. With these three strategies...

I would like to wish all Happy New Year 2006. May all always in the realm of God whether for destiny and/or dignity!