Salam Sejahtera,
Terima kasih Faizal kerana menyenaraikan nama saya antara mereka yang yang bakal dipilih... walaubagaimanapun ia bukanlah satu ketetapan..dan terdapat banyak lagi mereka2 yang berketerampilan tidak disenaraikan....
Bagi saya calun presiden MOTA perlulah dari kalangan mereka yang berwawasan dan mempunyai kedudukan penting dalam kerjaya. Calon seharusnya mempunyai keupayaan untuk 'negotiate' di semua peringkat dan disukai oleh majoriti terapis yang berwawasan.
Dalam dunia sekarang, saya berpendapat 'purchasing power' juga menjadi titik tolak kejayaan dalam menggerakkan persatuan yang kewangannya kurang mantap. Sokongan dari vendor juga penting yang mana jelas mereka2 ini memberi ruang yang lebih kepada mereka yang ada kedudukan.
Walaubagaimana pun kejayaan bukan hanya terletak pada presidennya sahaja tetapi lebih kepada gandingan kesemua eksekutifnya. Semestinya peneraju perlu memiliki sesuatu yang lebih...
Saya memberi vote saya kepada En Zulkifli atas sebab sebab berikut..
1. Asas OTnya dilatih dalam negeri, walaupun beliau telah menyambung pelajaran di UK dan Australia, atas dasar ini beliau lebih memahami kehendak locally trained therapists.
2. Satu-satunya OT yang memiliki Master in OT dengan kecemerlangan untuk semua subjek. ( you can check with him)
3. Mempunyai kedudukan di IPT. lecturer gred 45
4. Adjunct Lecturer for Curtin University Australia.
5. Muda dan berwawasan
Ini hanya pendapat saya yang mengenalinya sejak 17 tahun yang lalu..
2005/4/22 Hanafiah
Dear all,
Let me briefly tell about the MOTA. It was officially formed on 20 March 1969 then deregistered on 5 March 1973. Reason - inactive and not submitting report to RoS. Re Registered on 23 Sept 1975 - that was why we counted 29th taking into account the 1st AGM was held in 1977.
Members in 1975, 50 OTs , all overseas trained... but somehow see other country better than Malaysia. Quite a number left for greener pasture....So OT shrink and shrink everyday till left with people that you see now!
In 1990 there are total of 73 OTs in Malaysia, only 35 register and active, In 1991 membership shrink to 16, while there were 88 OTs around. In 1994 we had 105 members out of 137 OTs around -- not bad 80% Famous issue that time was " What the MOTA can contribute to us"..... well! The answer was " What you yourself can contribute to MOTA".... It was difficult, when members and Executive were into this conflict!!
Again after 20 years..... This issue emerges again..I belief we have yet a lot to improve.. It was good you raised again Fazillah,, I agree with all comments we need to do more to for all... I also see
the trend of OT to become 'capitalised mind' (just got the term from talk this morning)What does it mean? Study... pass the exam.. become OT.. get paid... that it!!! Very few think of the future of the
profession, humanitarian etc. We need to stop this trend...
We need a good combination to form the MOTA Executives! Not that MOTA cannot provide all that... We need a GOOD TEAM! and 'think-out-of-box members'.
During 29th AGM (25/05/05 in Kota Baharu I won the president election and voted as President for Malaysia OT Association for the 2005 – 2007 term. and for the 2007 - 2009 term later.
What's NEXT?
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